Translate only specific text with a particular pattern (txt file)

Hello all,

In the sample below, we would like to translate only the red text from the text exists in {{curly}} brackets.

<li>Klicken Sie {{clik|ff|OK}} und {{clik|OK}}.</li>
==some text here {{click|..\path}} bzw {{click|..\path}} some other text here.==

<ol>some text here [[click|..\path]] bzw [[click|text|..\path]] some other text here.</ol>

(tags and "==" have been already taken care of).

Is there a quick way how to do that? Please note that source is in txt format.




  • Hi

    I assume you made a typo when you enclosed your <ol>...</ol> text in [] instead of {}.

    So I assumed this input:

    <li>Klicken Sie {{clik|ff|OK1}} und {{clik|OK2}}.</li>
    ==some text here {{click|..\path1}} bzw {{click|..\path2}} some other text here.==

    <ol>some text here {{click|..\path3}} bzw {{click|text|..\path4}} some other text here.</ol>

    Generally speaking, I tried to cut off the part before the first red text and after the last red text and block out the in-between stuff as inline tag:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing the 'Desired structure' dialog with regex patterns for opening, closing, and inline tags.


    Trados Studio screenshot displaying 'Inline tags' settings with options for opening and closing patterns, tag type, and translatability.

    which results in this:

    Trados Studio screenshot highlighting text with 'OK1' and 'OK2' in orange, indicating potential issues or warnings in the code.

    (I never felt the slightest inclination to Sudoku, but Regex is sheer fun.)



    Opening: ^(.*?)(\|[\w]*\|?(?!}))

    Closing: }}(?!(.*})).*$

    Inline: (}}.*)({{)([\w\|]*)(?![\w^}])\|


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:08 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi

    I assume you made a typo when you enclosed your <ol>...</ol> text in [] instead of {}.

    So I assumed this input:

    <li>Klicken Sie {{clik|ff|OK1}} und {{clik|OK2}}.</li>
    ==some text here {{click|..\path1}} bzw {{click|..\path2}} some other text here.==

    <ol>some text here {{click|..\path3}} bzw {{click|text|..\path4}} some other text here.</ol>

    Generally speaking, I tried to cut off the part before the first red text and after the last red text and block out the in-between stuff as inline tag:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing the 'Desired structure' dialog with regex patterns for opening, closing, and inline tags.


    Trados Studio screenshot displaying 'Inline tags' settings with options for opening and closing patterns, tag type, and translatability.

    which results in this:

    Trados Studio screenshot highlighting text with 'OK1' and 'OK2' in orange, indicating potential issues or warnings in the code.

    (I never felt the slightest inclination to Sudoku, but Regex is sheer fun.)



    Opening: ^(.*?)(\|[\w]*\|?(?!}))

    Closing: }}(?!(.*})).*$

    Inline: (}}.*)({{)([\w\|]*)(?![\w^}])\|


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:08 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]