Exclude pre-translated text in xml

Hi there,

I have an xml file with some pre-translated text (English and Danish) and the pre-translated text can be identified by cms:tstatus 

How can I exclude this pre-translated text in Trados so that I only translate the English and the word count is only for the English words?

I was advised to exclude elements from translation using the attribute markfortrans set to no. However, I can't find it.


  • If you share a little snippet of the xml I'm sure this is a fairly simple question to help with.  The attribute they mention will be in the XML file itself so you need to create a non-translatable rule in Studio that uses the presence of that attribute to prevent the text from being exposed for translation.  B ut rather than we guess if you share a bit of the XML that has this attribute we can explain in a better way.

    Certainly you will have to create a custom XML for this. 

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    Yes, I suspected that too but I couldn't find that attribute but please see a short paragraph where you can see the pre-translated text:

    <p cms:rid="8b14xjjdda90012" cms:tstatus="Released" cms:tmatch="element1" cms:twords="42" cms:tlogicalid="x-svn:///svn/techdoc^/xml/lang/dk/release/F/EN/D010/Fans/TFC_(Bele)/TFC_roof_fans.xml?p=26009" cms:tpos="" cms:trid="68w0g9t0b0n001t"><?Pub _font TypeSize="90%" Posture="italic"
    ?>(Erklæringen gælder kun for produktet i den stand, det blev leveret
    og installeret i anlægget iht. den medfølgende installationsvejledning.
    Forsikringen dækker ikke eftermonterede dele eller efterfølgende indgreb
    i produktet)<?Pub /_font?></p>

    Thanks a lot,


  • Hi Paul,

    Yes, I suspected that too but I couldn't find that attribute but please see a short paragraph where you can see the pre-translated text:

    <p cms:rid="8b14xjjdda90012" cms:tstatus="Released" cms:tmatch="element1" cms:twords="42" cms:tlogicalid="x-svn:///svn/techdoc^/xml/lang/dk/release/F/EN/D010/Fans/TFC_(Bele)/TFC_roof_fans.xml?p=26009" cms:tpos="" cms:trid="68w0g9t0b0n001t"><?Pub _font TypeSize="90%" Posture="italic"
    ?>(Erklæringen gælder kun for produktet i den stand, det blev leveret
    og installeret i anlægget iht. den medfølgende installationsvejledning.
    Forsikringen dækker ikke eftermonterede dele eller efterfølgende indgreb
    i produktet)<?Pub /_font?></p>

    Thanks a lot,

