JSON bilingual file


Could someone help me out with this, please?

I have this JSON bilingual file and I can open it with Studio 2017 but I cannot save target file because I get an error message: "Value cannot be empty. Parameter name: expression"

Am I doing something wrong when parsing the JSON file? What should I include in "Target path"?

I need to insert the target into the second yellow highlighted line. Source is in the first highlighted line. 

Trados Studio 2017 error message dialog box displaying 'Value cannot be empty. Parameter name: expression'.

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.


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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:12 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member

    Dear Núria,

    I’ve prepared a JSON file for translation in Studio a couple of days ago.

    My file was a bit different. Here’s the part of it:


                    "items": [


                                                   "key": "PAGE_101_NAME",

                                                   "value": "Text for translation"



                                                   "key": "PAGE_11_DATE",

                                                   "value": " Text for translation"



    Here’s my workflow (it’s not automated because of the safety-related potential issues – that’s why I prefer to do it by hand but it’s easy to automate with many tools):

    1. Open JSON file in Notepad++, select all (CTRL+A), copy and paste into new DOCX.
    2. Open find/change in Word (CTRL+H) and click more… in the lower left corner of the window.
    3. Mark/check the Wildcards
    4. Find this: value\"\: \"*\" and replace with bold (while the cursor is in the replace field press CTRL+B once) – change/replace all to make these parts bolded. Keep in mind that the word value needs to be changed according to the word used in your file.
    5. Unthick the Wildcards checkbox.
    6. Find: value": " and replace with unbold (while the cursor is in replace field press CTRL+B – if doesn’t work then use this keyboard shortcut twice) – change/replace all to make these parts not bolded. Keep in mind that the word value needs to be changed according to the word used in your file.
    7. Find: "^13 (closing quotation mark and paragraph mark) and replace with unbold (while the cursor is in replace field press CTRL+B – if doesn’t work then use this keyboard shortcut twice) – change/replace all to make these parts not bolded.
    8. Find: all non-bolded parts (CTRL+B once or twice – see the text below search window to identify the state of the search field), replace with hidden attribute (while the cursor is in replace field press CTRL+SHIFT+H). Click replace all.
    9. Treat the DOCX as a normal word file. If the DOCX filter is configured by default, the hidden text will be ignored and not imported into the studio.
    10. After the translation save the target and open DOCX file.
    11. Select all (CTRL+A), press CTRL+SHIFT+H - once or twice – to unhide the text hidden previously.
    12. Once again select all and copy the content to the JSON source file (I suggest to use a copy of the file) using Notepad++. Don’t use File->Save target and/or windows built in Notepad – just press CTRL+S to save the file maintaining it's coding (unless you want to change the coding intentionally).
    13. Close the ready JSON file.



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