Help with regex - words starting with uppercase


I need to verify that source wordings in the form Xxxx Xxxx has been translated in the proper way. I tried to filter the segments looking for this regex:


I know that this is not correct but I just wanted to make a test. I was surprises by the result.

Basically, the filter "ignore" the uppercase and the filter result shows all the segments containing words, even if they start with lowercase (which basically means all the segments). I also tried to use search and replace but again, uppercase are ignore:

Trados Studio screenshot showing a search filter with regex A-Za-z+ incorrectly highlighting all words regardless of case.

I decided to make a further test looking for capital letters, using this regex:


Again the result is not what I expected, that regex look for ANY letter, no matter the case:

Trados Studio screenshot with a search and replace function using regex A-Z incorrectly highlighting all letters, not just uppercase.

It looks like a bug. Am I missing something?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:12 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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