How to add rule for resx to mark variables {0}, {1} etc. non-translatable and display non-translatable <comment>?

How can I add rule for parsing resx to mark variables {0}, {1} etc. non-translatable and display non-translatable <comment>?

I added the two rules to standard XML Microsoft .NET resources format and I tried to generate a custom file type for resx but the result is the same.

(The source file is attached zipped, otherwise it would not upload.)

Trados Studio project settings showing parser rules for XML Microsoft .NET resources with non-translatable variables and comments highlighted.3858.Resource2.zipTrados Studio options menu with parser rules for resx file type, highlighting non-translatable elements for variables and comments.Preview of resx file in Trados Studio with variables 0, 1 displayed as non-translatable in the source and target columns.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 4:21 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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