Help on segmentation / InlineGraphic / xml file

Hi, I have an xml file a don't get my desired segmentation done.

I have this structure, where the segment is segmented by the inline graphic.
Die Schaltfläche [Starten] <TranslationLock><InlineGraphic><fm:Frame></fm:Frame></InlineGraphic></TranslationLock> für den zu befüllenden Behälter wählen.</BodyText></ActivityStepDescription>

So I get this i Studio:

When adding the InlineGraphic tag to my parser rules, I get this:

These are the settings I used:

How do I get the text in one segment inluding the InlineGraphic? I also tried with deleting the TranslationLock in xml, just to see, but same result.

Here the complete view of the xml structure:

Thnx in advance!