Dear team,
I have the following exported CSV file with Markdown syntax:
I have also the following filter created and tested with previous text which work just fine:
Creativiso-Markddown in
In the new file we are not able to handle the following code:
![Wedding table decoration]({: .fll .image-size--medium loading=""lazy"" srcset="" 260w, 520w, 1040w"" sizes=""(min-width: 1360px) 520px, (min-width: 801px) 48vw, 96vw""}
I need to translate the text between square brackets and hide the rest of the code.
Right now I am getting this result:
We tried with the following RegEx rule:
Start tag: !\[
End tag: \].*?
The result:
Any help is highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 4:46 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]