Excluding ‘+’ signs in UI strings from word count

I am setting up a project in Studio 2022 for 116 Excel files of UI strings. The strings look like this:

head north to + [street_name] + and turn right

The parameters in square brackets, such as "[street_name]," do not need to be translated, so I set up a regex rule below, and it works fine. 

Start Tag: \[

End Tag: \]


However, even though the text in square brackets is locked, there is a large number of ‘+’ signs throughout the files, and I suspect they significantly increase the word count.

Screenshot of two lines of UI strings with parameters and plus signs. The parameters 'street_name' are enclosed in square brackets and highlighted, indicating they are locked or non-translatable.

I would like to know how to exclude the ‘+’ sign from the word count.

Thank you in advance.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:06 PM (GMT 1) on 6 Jun 2024]
Parents Reply

    You should create a new thread for this because you are confusing users who try to help you.  This time you are using HTML and the solution Jerzy gave you will certainly be ok when working with XML.  With HTML this is only possible with server side scripts used within the HTML so you should really provide a sample of the html (that does not mean the whole file!) that relates to the section you need to address, and then you will get some sensible assistance.

    It really helps when we have one thread per question so we can then verify it when  you have the correct answer and this helps users who might be looking for a solution to the same things.  Please create a new one.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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