Regex for quotation marks.

Offline Anonymous

I would like to add some regex into my QA checker to search for quotations mark such as

And those alternatives with spaces too.

I do not know if someone can help me with this but even after a some research, it does not seem to work. Any suggestion on Regex to search these items in a sdlxliff file?

Thank you very much for you help!

  • All these in one file? Well, that can be a bit complicated, as the German ones do NOT require spaces, while the French ones do.
    For example to run a Sarch & Replace for straight quotes to German ones run these two operations:
    Search: (")([a-z0-9])
    Replace: „$2
    Search: ([a-z0-9]\b)(")
    Replace: $1“

    In the QA checker I have added the straight quotes directly as forbidden elements. This finds all remaining, for example such between tags or similar.


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  • Anonymous
    0 Offline Anonymous in reply to Jerzy Czopik
    Thank you so much for your reply.

    What I am actually looking for is a search in the target only, no matter how it is in the source (for QA purposes): I only want to use the following quotation marks: «» without spaces (example: «XXXX»).

    I thus want to search for all other types of quotation marks in my text :
    - "xxxxxxxxx" (without spaces)
    - " xxxxxxxxx " (with spaces)
    - « xxxx » (with spaces)

    I am sorry but I am really not familiar with Regex and I tried to learn a bit. Other types of regex were easier to write but I could not figure out how to write them.

    Since you talk about "Search and Replace", do you know if there is a way to do a find and replace of various things at the same time. For example, clicking on button to replace the quotation marks, the double spaces and so one. If I am right, QA Checker only informs you of a mistake but does not correct it automatically.

    Once again, thank you so much for your help.
  • Anonymous
    0 Offline Anonymous in reply to Jerzy Czopik
    Thank you so much for your reply.

    What I am actually looking for is a search in the target only, no matter how it is in the source (for QA purposes): I only want to use the following quotation marks: «» without spaces (example: «XXXX»).

    I thus want to search for all other types of quotation marks in my text :
    - "xxxxxxxxx" (without spaces)
    - " xxxxxxxxx " (with spaces)
    - « xxxx » (with spaces)

    I am sorry but I am really not familiar with Regex and I tried to learn a bit. Other types of regex were easier to write but I could not figure out how to write them.

    Since you talk about "Search and Replace", do you know if there is a way to do a find and replace of various things at the same time. For example, clicking on button to replace the quotation marks, the double spaces and so one. If I am right, QA Checker only informs you of a mistake but does not correct it automatically.

    Once again, thank you so much for your help.