Due to a Schema change, content formerly kept in an attribute and now defined as an element gives me in my leverage test with new filter parsing definitions no 100% matches any longer.
That poses a problem as the content itself has not changed. What I would like to identify is a method to process the data as "What has been considered attribute content in the filetype/parser before is now element content"
Here the example of the before and after:
Old Schema
<Sentence>Use <inlineGraphic><Graphic href="SomeArt/foo.png" alt="the description to translate"></Graphic></inlineGraphic> with any of the answers.</Sentence>
New Schema
<Sentence>Use <Image href="SomeArt/foo.png"><AltText>the description to translate</AltText></Image> with any of the answers.</Sentence>
In the old schema we had the parser rule defined as an attribute "alt" and the translation could occur outside the body sentence. In the TMX that translated as a subset TU kept apart from the main sentence. The attribute content itself was represented with "placeholder info" in the main sentence.
In the new schema the content of the AltText is simply inline content and therefore part of the body sentence.
What are the options to configure & optimize the leverage process so that I get again 100% matches?