What would be the easiest way to batch replace (ě)|(š)|(č)... signs to (e)|(s)|(c)...?

Sometimes we need to provide strings for displays without accents. Until now these were edited manually or using 3rd party apps via export for external review and acceptingall tracked changes - both approaches are quite timeconsuming and not very "clean and easy". Would it be possible to perform such changes directly in Editor or using any SDL tool?



Parents Reply
  • Why not just open the bilingual SDLXLIFF with Notepad++ ( https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ) and record a macro of ~20 (for lower case) + ~20 (for upper case) search and replace operations? My guess is that Sdlxliff structure doesn't employs accented characters except for source/target content (or you have them found on both sides of your segments?)
    Of course, that approach has some drawbacks, i.e.: when recording such a macro that would be time-consuming, yet later you'd be thankful to yourself for the work done.