Saving terms to the term base from aligned documents

 I am new to Trados and CAT in general. I have uploaded and aligned previously manually translated documents and saved them as a tm (imported them to a TM). I am now trying to figure out how I can save the terms in them to a termbase. I know it is possible but can't figure out how. have unsuccessfully tried from the TM and from the alignment. Would appreciate any help. (I have just purchased Studio 2017 if that's any help).

  • Hi Ruth,

    what you are probably interested in doing is term extraction. There are several ways of achieving this. SDL MultiTerm Extract is one way of extracting term candidates in bulk and inserting them into a term database. There are also competitor products on the market that have very sophisticated term extraction algorithms for harvesting terms for a database.

    If you don't want to spend money on a fancy term extraction tool and you're fine with doing some manual work while translating, I suggest you create a term database in MultiTerm (that is an entire article worth in itself!) and start inserting terms on the fly while translating. That is what a lot of freelancers do to save their terminology work. Simply mark a source phrase in the source language and the corresponding target phrase in your target while in the Studio Editor and then select Add new term (Ctrl+F2):

    It helps also if you are working with Input Models in MultiTerm - they work just like templates, telling you which fields should be filled in when entering new terms.


    If you want to use your alignment file, you can save it from the Alignment Editor as an SDLXLIFF file. Then open that file in the Studio Editor and do the above term insertions from there. Make sure you add your new MultiTerm database to the project or to your default project template in order to use it for all projects you create.




  • Thank you very much Andreas. I am trying to leverage the work I did prior to using a Studio. I will take your suggestion saving the alignment file as an SDLXLIFF file.
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