A target Word file translated with Studio 2017 cannot be opened.

A Word file converted into a sdlxliff file and back to a word document with Studio 2017 cannot be opened with an error message saying
"It is impossible to open the file. Some problems have been found in its content."
The detailed message says "Error cannot be identified. Location : /word/document.xml, line: 2, column: 29405."

Although I have already tried the measures suggested in the responses to the past question in this place: "Impossible to open a target Word .docx file,"
I couldn't solve the problem. As the last attempt, I opened and repaired the source word file, saved it, and tried to convert the repaired word file (source) into a sdlxliff file for translation with studio 2017, then, an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" appeared and the process stopped.
The details of this error is as shown in the attached image.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

I would really appreciate it if somone could help me.

B. regards & thanks in advance

  • Hi ,

    First try repeating the process but use the other DOCX filetype. In the options you'll see there are two, so just swap the order (move the lower one so it's above the one that's on top now).

    Or, try removing the table of contents in the source file and repeat the process. This was mentioned in another thread this evening so worth a try.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi, Paul

    Thank you very much for responding to my question.

    I use word 2007 and I 'm not sure if that's why, but I couldn't find the other DOCX file type in word options. So I saved the file in the doc file type (word 97-2003) after executing the "open and repair" process and removing the table of contents as you said. I could successfully convert the file into a sdlxliff file this time, but when I tried to convert it back to a word file by executing the "Generate Target Translation" process, I received an error message saying "An error occurred while converting the document back to Microsoft Word format." The detail of the error is as shown in the attached image.

    Do you have any idea for the reason and could you suggest another solution to the problem?

    I will thank a lot for your further help!


  • Hi  

    Unknown said:
    I use word 2007 and I 'm not sure if that's why, but I couldn't find the other DOCX file type in word options.

    I was referring to the filetype options in Studio, not Word.  If you look in your File -> Optoins you will see this:

    You have two DOCX filetypes and one DOC.  So try reversing the order of the DOCX so that when you open the file for translation as a new project it is prepared with a different DOCX filetype.  You can do this by highlighting the top one in the list and clicking on the move up and move down commands on the bottom right of your screen in this pane:

    If that doesn't work, seeing as you are clearly having some problems can you share the following files with me?

    - original source DOCX file

    - fully translated sdlxliff file

    If this is ok you can email them to me at pfilkin@sdl.com

    Thank you


    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    I did what you explained in the above message and it worked!
    I could successfully open the target translated word file.

    I really appreciate all your kind help!

    Thanks again and best regards,


  • I'm having a similar problem. I have two large Word 2007 files. I've been working on them for a month and now I realize that I can't generate the target file. I see that the moment I try to generate a new bilingual document from scratch my files are transformed to Word 2007-2016, so I changed the order and even disabled the admitted Word files, to no avail. I tried Open and repair too, but it didn't work. The message says that there are content problems. And the details indicate there's a problem with document xml. I can't send you the files.
  • Hello Paul,

    I had the very same problem with Word files that didn't open after translating in Studio 2017. I got the same error messages, always indicating an issue in "Line 2, Segment XXXXXXX ...".
    The tip about the filetype definitions worked for me. I disabled the Microsoft Word 2007-2016 filetype, ran the file through Studio again and now everything works fine.
    So the problem must be in this filetype definition (at least for my issue).

  • Hello Paul,

    I had the very same problem with Word files that didn't open after translating in Studio 2017. I got the same error messages, always indicating an issue in "Line 2, Segment XXXXXXX ...".
    The tip about the filetype definitions worked for me. I disabled the Microsoft Word 2007-2016 filetype, ran the file through Studio again and now everything works fine.
    So the problem must be in this filetype definition (at least for my issue).

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