"Blank terms" in SDL MultiTerm 2015

 Hello, community,

I'm facing a problem with MultiTerm (SDL MultiTerm 2015). A termbase I've just created displays some "empty" entries in the terms list, and this empty term is also in the entry itself (you can see the gap between the language and the term, as if it were another term there). These "empty terms" also appear in other entries and create more empty space, even if the corresponding entry (that actually appears in the terms list) is selected (2nd screenshot).

I created the glossary in Excel, and there are indeed some empty cells, because not every term has synonyms (I wanted all synonyms to be treated as terms, so I put them in the same row of the corresponding entry). The empty cells exist because the number of columns depends on the entry with more synonyms in its row. I attach here the test Excel file I used to create the termbase of the images; it's just a sample of the full termbase of about 1,500 entries. It has empty columns because of the number of columns of the original full termbase.

I already tried to convert the Excel file to tab delimited text, but it doesn't work either. It is as if there were some "hidden" content in the cells, I don't know...

By the way, the first column has no empty cell, so the problem doesn't come from there.

I appreciate your help. :-)

EDIT: I attach also the test termbase if it can help.

  prueba pocas entradas.xlsx5670.test_termbase.zip