preview not generating when embedded content generator is active

Hi all,


I am not 100% sure this forum is the right place for this, but I’ve run into what I consider to be a rather weird problem. And since I am not the most technical person, I was hoping you could advise me if I’m simply doing something wrong or if there really is an issue. And in either case, how this can be fixed.

The client sends us .pkg files, which is a type of XML. So we’ve created a file type to extract only the translatable text. So far so good.

We’ve also created a stylesheet to help us generate a “preview”, which will help give translators extra information, such as context, length restriction information, product/model name and a link to the page on the client’s staging website where the text appears.

Now, when you process the files with the Embedded Content option disabled…

…the translatable content gets extracted correctly though some code gets corrupted (see red box screenshot) and the preview can be generated just fine though for some reason the translated text is flagged as being much longer than it is in reality (see the green boxes: the style sheet suggests the translation of segment 1 is 434 characters longer than the max. 75 characters allowed, while in actual fact it is only 16 characters).


The issue with the corrupted code can easily be fixed by enabling the Embedded Content processor (see green box in screenshot below).

BUT: when you do this, it is impossible to generate a preview, as this option gets completely greyed out (see red boxes):


However, to make things even stranger, when you run a QA Check on the file by pressing F8 and then you click on the “No schema for the file verification found.” error message (blue box) the preview suddenly generates just fine, and what’s more the length information is correct, as I did indeed add 3 characters (one space and 2 exes) to the translation to make it 3 characters too long.


However, as soon as you click in a segment in the editor or otherwise deactivate the schema error message, the preview disappears again (as does the error message for that matter). So this is not exactly useful.


Therefore the question is: what do I need to do to be able to process the files with the embedded content processor enabled, and generate a preview without needing to generate the error message?

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  • Hi ,

    Sorry it's taken me so long to come back to you. I discussed this with the filetype team this morning as I have exactly the same problem as you. The answer is simple, although not a helpful one. There is no preview support for embedded content using the new XML filetype processor. I had a quick play with the legacy XML filetype and with this one the preview seems to work correctly. So I think this is your only option with these files.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,
    apologies for the late response in my turn.
    I must admit, I was afraid you'd say that.
    As regards the legacy XML file type: while the preview does indeed generate with this file type, the length verification does not work correctly with this file type, with a 16 character string being counted as 434 characters longer than the max. 75 characters. And as adherence to the length restrictions is crucial for the client, this would be an important check to have. Reading through your past blogs, I thought maybe Xpaths could come to our aid for the length checks, but so far I have not been able to make it work. Is there any advice you can give on that? Thanks! Neeltje