"Index out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." while updating from bilingual review.


Using Trados 2015, how can I avoid getting the "Index out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error while updating from bilingual review?

Trados tells me that the error is with a specific segment.  I see nothing wrong with the translation, but as an experiment, I copy/paste the source text to the target field in the DOCX file, and re-attempt the update.  Sure enough, Trados now gives the same error message, but for a different segment.  I have no idea how many segments I would have to change to source=target before Trados is happy, but I have a sneeky suspicion it won't be just a few.

The DOCX file has tracked changes, but the segments that Trados have a problem with, don't have any changes (so far).  They are exactly the way Trados exported them in the first place, unchanged.

