Different Analysis wordcounts between project languages for the same set of source files (Studio 2015 SR3)

Good afternoon,

We're setting up a Studio project for a translation from English into German and Chinese of a set of 38 files which together add up to around 30,000 words, but the Studio analysis gives different total (source) wordcounts between the German and Chinese projects - see screenshots below. I understand that the different TMs involved will of course affect the split of matches/repetitions across the match categories for each language pair, but what I don't understand is why there's a difference of ~4000 source words as well as a difference in the number of placeables between the English>German and English>Chinese parts (given that the files involved are identical). The total numbers of characters and tags are identical so it's clearly the same set of files. Can anybody help me to understand this please?

Thanks very much!
