No Translation Results with pretranslated mxliff?

I have a pretranslated mxliff file that I am translating in Studio 2017.

I pretranslated it at the low match 15% in Memsource in an effort to capture the TM content available there. It is the first time that I am trying this out. I am not aware of other options to access the TM in Memsource. In the past I used them side by side but that's too much work with 15K. I will download and upload the mxliff and this works, I tested it out. The segment statuses are "draft".

However, I am not getting any Translation or Concordance Results for this file from my own TM's. I opened a few files from other projects and TR and concordance results are just fine without closing Studio first or changing anything else. This includes completed mlxliffs (but they were not pretranslated).

Has anyone seen this before? Any idea why? Is this related to pretranslating? Another reason? Any suggestion for what I can try to solve this?

Many thanks in advance!