Reviewed changes not uploading



I have completed a translation within a project package and have now been sent back a Word document including some track changes to my document. I have opened my translation for review and use the 'upload from external review' function to import the document to add and review the changes. This all works successfully but when it finishes the process and asks me if I would like to re-open the document, the amended translation with the track changes does not appear and I am simply left with the existing translation.


Any advice on how I can resolve this would be much appreciated.

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  • Hi Katharine,

    ok - in this case we would need to know whether the Word document you were sent is the original source file with tracked changes, the target file with tracked changes or a file containing the source and the target with tracked changes on the target only?

    The latter (source and target) in one file was probably created by your client using the Export for External Review.  But this isn't very helpful for you because the process should have been this:

    1. You create the file for external review
    2. Your client marks it up with tracked changes
    3. You import this marked up version and this updates Studio with the changes

    So if you didn't create the initial document for review then you cannot use update from external review to get the changes into Studio.  You would have to manually change Studio segment by segment.  Or, could approve the changes made by your client in the Word file and sedn that back so they can update their copy of Stidio with this.

    However, I think a more likely scenario is that you saved the target word file and the client has marked this up with tracked changes.  I only think this is likely... but I am guessing because this opens up more questions around what they added.  Did they correct the translation?  Did they add more source... so source language to a target language document?

    Or did they make changes to the original source and send you an updated source document to translate?

    If you can clarify which was the approach here then we may be able to provide a better and more helpful answer.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    The document I was sent by the Client is a Word file containing the source and the target text with tracked changes on the target text only. I should clarify that I did create a return package for the client rather than sending the saved target text back although I'm not sure if this is the same as creating  a translation for external review? The process of importing the track changed document has worked with this client previously so I imagine it must be something to do with the Word document rather than the way the job was sent back?

  • Hi Katharine,

    ok - in this case it looks as though your client has used "Export for External Review" to create a word file as you describe.  The track changes could have been made in Studio and exported to this file, or somone could have made the changes directly in the word file itself.

    The problem you have now is that you cannot use this to update your version of the file in Studio because you did not create the review file in the first place.

    You can go through the Word file and make sure it is ok and then send it back to your client with the corrections and they your client can update Studio with it.

    What exactly have you been asked to do with it?  Is it just for information or was it indeed to provide you with a file you can update Studio from?  If the latter then you should ask your client to import into Studio and send you the corrected sdlxliff.  Then you can use that to update your work.

    It sounds a little as though either your client does not know what this file is for, or it is indeed intended to be informational only.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thanks for all your help Paul. I understand the process better now and have found out that the client did think I only wanted the document for information. Next time I will follow the process you described above so I can import the track changes.

    Best wishes,
