Potential bug in Studio 2015 with ≥ and ≤ symbols in Word doc files


I've recently come up against what seems to be a bug with Word doc files translated in Studio 2015. I'm not sure if this is the right place for bug reports, but I can't find anywhere else to send this so here I am :)

Following the process below with this test file should allow you to reproduce it. I'm using Studio 2015 SR3 (12.3.5281.10) and Word 2013 (15.0.4937.1000).



1. Open up the doc file for translation in Studio. I used English to German as the language pair, but I don't think this matters.

2. Copy source to target and save the target file.

3. Open up the file in Word. It will look identical to the source file. However, the ≥ and ≤ symbols and the following space are now marked as Arabic.

4. Save the file to PDF and these two symbols flip round, presumably because they are now being displayed as RTL in the PDF.


I've tested this on a few computers and I keep getting the same results. Does it also happen to anyone else?

If it is indeed a bug, it goes without saying that this could have some pretty disastrous consequences, especially in medical texts, so looking forward to a fix!




  • Hi ,

    What a strange thing and an interesting (in a bad way) consequence with this workflow. I can confirm this does still occur with Studio 2017. It doesn't happen with a DOCX though, only with a DOC file.

    I will report this but I doubt anything will be done to resolve it since the DOC workflow is old and we don't do any work on that filter anymore. So the best solution, especially if you are going to PDF at the end, is to convert your files to DOCX first.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for getting back so quickly!

    I would really urge you guys to dust off the old DOC filter if only just to fix this bug. We found out about from a medical client who got back to us after trying to save a file we delivered to PDF. They were quite adamant that this could have easily had fatal consequences if they hadn't caught it!

    I'll be avoiding the DOC filter in future to be safe, but whilst it remains a part of Studio, a lot of people will still be using it. Sometimes saving a DOC to DOCX can mess up the layout a bit, so I can imagine there will be situations where people will be reluctant to do this. And saving a final translation to PDF is quite a common thing to do.


  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for getting back so quickly!

    I would really urge you guys to dust off the old DOC filter if only just to fix this bug. We found out about from a medical client who got back to us after trying to save a file we delivered to PDF. They were quite adamant that this could have easily had fatal consequences if they hadn't caught it!

    I'll be avoiding the DOC filter in future to be safe, but whilst it remains a part of Studio, a lot of people will still be using it. Sometimes saving a DOC to DOCX can mess up the layout a bit, so I can imagine there will be situations where people will be reluctant to do this. And saving a final translation to PDF is quite a common thing to do.

