I came across with a strange problem concerning Perfect Matches and I hope that somebody can help me:
We have to translate a manual into English and Japanese which was translated by us two times: October 2016 version A, May 2017 version B.
Now version C has to be translated. When preparing the Trados Studio project I used the files from version B for Perfect Matches. The result was different for English and for Japanese. For English, 90% was pretranslated and for Japanese only 50%. My first thought was, that the Japanese analysis differs because we translate Japanese with English as source and as English was also a translation there might be differences due to formal issues, terminology changes etc. However, I started a sample project using the source files from version B and PM files also from version B and I thought that the result would be that no segments have to be retranslated. But I was suprised to see that only 50% was pretranslated using the files from exactly the same project! So I believe that PM only works once! Because when we translated version B we used the files from version A for Perfect Matches. Now for version C the matches from version B remained context matches (I compared the files). Did anybody made the same experience and knows a solution? Or is it a bug in Trados Studio? Is there a problem because of Trados Studio 2017? Our files in October have been created using Trados Studio 2015, now we are using 2017.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you,