SQL Files

Hello all,

Is there a way for Trados to process .SQL files? Or is there a way to isolate translatable content in SQL files for translation in Trados?

Thank you,


  • Hi ,

    I think I'd be asking the client to extract the strings for me, maybe to XML, so they can be translated and put back. There's an article here that seems useful, but this is not anything I ever attempted myself.




    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • That assumes that client (or client's representatives) know what XML is and how to do that... which is something I have not seen for YEARS :-(.
    SQL files - if we are realy talking about the usual TEXTUAL files containing SQL commands - should be parseable via regex filter, of course. It all depends on the complexity of the contained SQL commands...
  • That's interesting Evzen, I immediately assumed SQL "database" and not SQL "files" despite what was posted, but your comment sounds more plausible. I don't think I've ever seen one of these files before. Looking forward to the response from .

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hello Paul and Evzen,

    Thank you both for the responses. Paul, I just sent you via email the actual SQL files, in which the client wants us to translate the strings. Any problem-solving I could implement including regex to get a word count on these files would be most appreciated.

    Next I would be thinking about getting the content from and back into the files for translation, including for character and script languages. If anyone has advice on how to approach character/script languages with this sort of a format, I would surely appreciate it.

    Thanks very much!
  • Hi Alaina,

    It was as Evzen said... in fact exactly as he said. One of the two files was reasonably easy to handle and I gave you some rules for that as some guidance. But the other was a lot more complex and I'm not even sure what is supposed to be translated and what's not. I would see this as a job for close discussion and working with your client to see whether they can provide you with something better to handle. If you mess up the format it's going to be more work for them in the end and if they have expertise with these kinds of files then perhaps they can export something more appropriate. You'll certainly need two filetypes just for these two files... who knows what else you're going to get.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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