Confirm but not update TM (SDL Trados Studio 2017)

Hi folks,
How do I confirm a segment so that it autopropagates (where applicable) without updating my TM. The shortcut that reads 'Confirm' (Ctrl+Shift+F) does not cause any effect. Is it functional at all? If yes, what it is supposed to do? Thank you.

  • I'm afraid there is no shortcut for that, as in your program settings you certainly have activated the option to update TM (File -> Options -> Editor -> Automation):

    So any confirmation updates TM, unless the above setting is changed. But if you do that, you simply overrun the main purpose of any CAT tool, which is building up a translation memory.

    So what would be the purpose to autopropagate without writing to TM? If the translation you want to AP is not conform with what you want to have in your own TM, create another one just for the purpose of this job. However, you never know when you can reuse it...


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  • RE: <i>So what would be the purpose to autopropagate without writing to TM?</i>
    A client of mine wanted to make my life easier and 'translated' (using 'Replace all') single words or short phrases randomly scattered throughout a very big Excel workbook. Now I have 90% of text in English and 10% in bad Russian. Some of the Russian segments need to be capitalized, others are half-translated or misspelled or even mistranslated.
    So I want to make all corrections I need, but not clog my TM with this garbage. And because those words/phrases have many repetitions, I also need AP to avoid doing the same action hundred times. With memoQ, it is just a matter of pressing Shift along with the normal confirmation shortcut. I thought it was same easy move with Trados. That's why I'm asking.
    Thank you for your input Jerzy.
  • RE: <i>So what would be the purpose to autopropagate without writing to TM?</i>
    A client of mine wanted to make my life easier and 'translated' (using 'Replace all') single words or short phrases randomly scattered throughout a very big Excel workbook. Now I have 90% of text in English and 10% in bad Russian. Some of the Russian segments need to be capitalized, others are half-translated or misspelled or even mistranslated.
    So I want to make all corrections I need, but not clog my TM with this garbage. And because those words/phrases have many repetitions, I also need AP to avoid doing the same action hundred times. With memoQ, it is just a matter of pressing Shift along with the normal confirmation shortcut. I thought it was same easy move with Trados. That's why I'm asking.
    Thank you for your input Jerzy.
  • Studio is not MemoQ. But in this very simple case just go to your TM settings in project and either uncheck the "Update" box in there or create a new empty TM only for this purpose.
    Please also check the settings in File -> Editor -> Auto Propagation, as they command how the AP works - in your case I would propagate in already confirmed segments and confirm the segments after AP. Also set it to start with the first segment in the file.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • Yes, I understand that I can bypass it, but I hoped there was something better than checking/unchecking Update not to mention creating a new TM for such a simple operation. With this workaround in mind, I would prefer clogging my English-to-Russian TM with badRussian-to-Russian segments. But thank you anyway.