Access to the path AutoSave is denied.

Hi All,

I just installed Studio 2017 yesterday and everything went perfect. Suddenly today I received an error "Access to the path 'C\Users\Sunu\Documents\Studio 2017\AutoSave\.....sdlxliff' is denied. The error message suddenly popped-up and everytime I try to save my work.

Please help!



  • Hello  

    Copy to  

    I am not happy that the solution offered involves disabling cloud backup for my entire Documents folder.

    I can understand that, but you might be more clever. You have this problem because (writing under Paul's control!) I believe that by default SDL project files are saved somewhere in C:\Users\my name\Documents [Dangerous if you must solve a serious OS problem]. I never faced your problem hereabove probably brcause for ages I have been proceeding differentlly

    In my D:\ drive, an enormous Translations folder gathers 467 (so farGrin) outsourcer folders, everyone with individual translation project sub-folders, and it is where I create the SDL project folder with its typical *.sdlproj file plus three sub-folders (Luckily this kind of path has never proved too long [in excess of 250 characters?]) And thus I avoid any conflict with OneDrive.

    You might think of something similar.


    Exactly... ish...


    I am not happy that the solution offered involves disabling cloud backup for my entire Documents folder.

    That is your conclusion, it's not what I said.

    You also have some control over this yourself because you can manage the way OneDrive handles your folders.  If you don't make sure that the folders Studio uses are always available (they can be in the cloud too, but should always be locally available) then you'll probably have less problems.

    So, all you need to do is address the folders that Studio is using, not your entire documents folder.  I also didn't say disable the backup, I said they can be cloud only, or always available locally, or both.  So you just need to make sure that the folders in question are available offline and in the cloud (so you still have your backups).

    Or take the advice from Gérard.  I do that with my home laptop, although I don't use a mapped drive, or external drive for this.  I just put Studio related stuff here... and any other files that cause similar problems because of OneDrive:

    c:\Users\paul\Documents\Trados Studio Projects\

    As opposed to here:


    And I run a back up into a 2-bay external drive for everything I need to ensure I can recover it.  Cloud or not... I don't trust it and want to be sure I always have access to all of my files locally.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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