Define certain as an Inline Tag in *.strings file



I have to translate a .strings file. I created a FileType following this tutorial It works pretty well, but I have a problem. As you can see in the screenshot, there's an expression "\n\n" that looks like a tag, that appear as plain text.

I would like to turn it into an Inline Tag, to avoid translation and make easy to place it in the target segment. 

I tried to use regular expressions and Cleanup Task app, but I couldn't make thing work.

Can someone help me?

Parents Reply
  • Dear Paul

    It is much better to keep it simple and use really ONLY \\n.
    I have such files quite often and there can be \n or \n\n or more of those. So when you use only \\n, you remain flexible and can cover most of what your customer may invent. And customers are very inventive in terms of inserting tags in plain text. For example you can find <br />, but also <br> or </br> or </ br> and even [br] or many more.
    It is simply impossible to have them all done in one go, so I adapt my file type each time something new appears. But sometimes next time things are used differently, so one needs to remove some rules to get the file type working again. For example my customer uses widely {\d}, but in some texts they have used {...} with some text inside, which needed to be protected.
    But thanks to what you've shown me in terms of creating file types I am usually able to parse anything what comes from my customer :)

    Best regards