How can I obtain the Madcap Flare Plugin that works with SDL Trados 2017?
How can I obtain the Madcap Flare Plugin that works with SDL Trados 2017?
MadCap Flare file type is built in Studio 2017 already.
Thing is that its default configuration includes only *.htm and *html files, while MadCap Flare produces way more filetypes with localizable content (flmsp, flsnp, flpgl, flglo, fltoc, flvar, fltar, flprj and god knows how many more).
You need to add all these to the configuration yourself, plus also add the corresponding root element names to the configuration, plus perhaps also add/edit the Parser settings to your needs.
Plus, very important thing: read this thread if your customized MadCap Flare file type will keep disappearing from the list: https://community.sdl.com/product-groups/translationproductivity/f/90/t/15217
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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