Bug in SDL Trados 19 - Impossible to view both "Translation results" and "Term recognition" in Review view

Hi everybody,

I work mainly on reviews rather than translations. I used to customise my Review view by displaying the "Translation results" and "Term recognition" side by side at the bottom of the screen, but I can't do it anymore in Trados 2019. I can only pile the two windows one upon the other, but this is not very practical, because I need to see TM matches and Termbase entries at once. Note that this problem doesn't apply to the Translation view. It would be very practical if it could be fixed. In fact, I'm forced to use the old Trados version for reviews at the moment.

Many thanks!

  • I don't think it is impossible.

    My view in revision mode is like this (plus other parts on another screen):

    Trados Studio interface in revision mode showing a side-by-side comparison of original and translated text with track changes. No visible errors or warnings.


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:45 PM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]
  • Hi 

    Here's how I normally have my Review screen laid out, by preference, in 2019 as in all previous versions:

    Trados Studio 2019 Review screen layout with various information components activated and arranged by user preference.

    I achieved the above by dragging the various information components to where I wanted them to be (after first having activated the non-standard ones via the View tab). 

    I can also drag the Term Recognition window to sit alongside the Translation Results window at the bottom, which I think I understand is what you're saying you can't do:

    Trados Studio interface showing the Term Recognition window dragged alongside the Translation Results window at the bottom.

    It works for me the same in Studio 2019 as it did in 2017 and 2014 before that. I drag the section via my cursor on its top bar and then use the positional tab to place it where I want it to go, as follows:

    Close-up of Trados Studio showing the process of dragging the Term Recognition window using the cursor on its top bar. 

    So, I can't reproduce this bug you're experiencing...

    All the best,



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    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:45 PM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]
  • Hello Alison Field (afield) and @Jerzy Czopik,

    Many thanks for your messages. I only received the notification e-mail now, though I see you wrote one month ago.

    Below you can see my Translation view. I obtained this by dragging the screens like Alison described.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation view with source and target segments, showing the Termbase and TM views on the right, and Term recognition tab below the TM view.

    Now, I would like to have the same view in Review mode, but I don't manage. I drag the fields normally, but when I drag the Termbase view below and position it on the right side of the TM view (exactly like in Alison's second screenshot), it doesn't work. The tab positions itself under the TM view (piled). The same happens for the Term recognition tab. I tried pinning and unpinning, but nothing happens.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:46 PM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]