Everything related to TM in Studio (I use 2014) still seems mysterious to me, even though I use Studio for quite some time now. Here my questions:
1. How do I setup trados / a project up in a way that automatically a project-TM will be created and maintained and that this also the main TM will be updated (if there is none, like in my case, how do I create one, one big TM file which contains all TMs of all projects?
2. When I am done with a project and I want to have a project TM, and seemingly I do not have one yet, how do I create one? Also with a project with many files in it.
3. Why does studio, when you create a new project, not ask the user what the name and location of the project-TM should be? That seems to make a lot of sense ...
4. When I create a new project and I create a new TM file (while creating the project), is this then the project TM? I have the feeling it is not...
5. When I do not create (consciously) a TM project file and I choose the batch operation "update project TM" what exactly happens then? I have the feeling nothing happens. The same for the batch operation "update Main TM". It would make sense to me that Studio warns the user that there IS no project TM or Main TM, but it does never do that....
6. how do I delete all target segments with the source copied to them by pretranslate, I read once that there is a shortcut for that, a key-combination