How to ensure that emoji survive Trados


I have two test files (UTF8 and UTF16-LE) with some text and emoji in it. When I open these in Trados, Trados *loses* most of the emoji by replacing them with actual ordinary spaces in the SDLXLIFF file.  If I do copy-source-to-target and generate the target files, these emoji are no longer present, having been replaced with spaces.  For example, U+1F603 is replaced with U+0020 (and the same goes for many other emoji characters).

What must I do, when opening file in Trados, to ensure that these characters survive?

The test files are here:



Trados Studio interface showing categories of emojis such as Smileys & People, Animals & Nature, and Food & Drink.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 9:09 PM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]
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