RegEx for upper case in first word of segment

Hello, I need to start all segments with upper case. Just the first word of each segment. Is there a regular expression one can use? Thanks in advance!

  • Hi ,

    I got your private message after you couldn't reply my post.

    I'm afraid you can't find and replace the case in Studio, because as far as I know, .Net (the regex engine behind Studio), won't allow you to replace the case (other regex engines, like PERL, can handle case conversions). Maybe a regex guru like can confirm or not this point.

    Anyway, I couldn't make this simple regex ^[a-z] work in my Studio 2019 (it matches the 2nd, 3rd… lower case characters as well), so you won't be able to even find the lower case characters at the start of the segment:

    Trados Studio Find and Replace dialog box with 'Find what' field containing regex pattern 'a-z' and 'Regular expressions' checked, indicating an attempt to find lowercase letters.

    I guess this is wrong, ?

    So I'm afraid, filtering is the way to go.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 10:05 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Hi ,

    I got your private message after you couldn't reply my post.

    I'm afraid you can't find and replace the case in Studio, because as far as I know, .Net (the regex engine behind Studio), won't allow you to replace the case (other regex engines, like PERL, can handle case conversions). Maybe a regex guru like can confirm or not this point.

    Anyway, I couldn't make this simple regex ^[a-z] work in my Studio 2019 (it matches the 2nd, 3rd… lower case characters as well), so you won't be able to even find the lower case characters at the start of the segment:

    Trados Studio Find and Replace dialog box with 'Find what' field containing regex pattern 'a-z' and 'Regular expressions' checked, indicating an attempt to find lowercase letters.

    I guess this is wrong, ?

    So I'm afraid, filtering is the way to go.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 10:05 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]