Add as New Translation function in Trados Studio 2014

Hi all,

So after some hunting around I eventually located the "Add as New Translation" function in Studio 2014 under the Advance ribbon tab when you are in Editor view. (Could it not be an option in the "Home" ribbon tab  in the Editor view where you confirm segments etc.)

Anyway, having found it again, on coming to use it I was expecting that it would do the same as it used to in older versions, i.e. it would link an additional target sentence to a single source sentence and its associated target(s) already stored in the TM you are using (providing the source was a 100% or CM match when retrieved). This function is great as it gives you a choice of multiple target sentences to a single source (ideal for context issues etc.) with a penalty score to show you need to make a choice.

However, on using the function on my laptop I have found that it is overwriting the existing target sentence I have in the TM with the new one I have just created Sad and adding it as a completely new entry in the TM.

Am now just wondering if I am missing something here in that this is not the function I thought it was, or I am not using it correctly. Have had a look at the Studio Help guide but cannot find anything on this function.

Any thoughts or pointers on what I should/ should not be doing with using this function (or whether I am totally misunderstanding what it does in 2014) would be much appreciated.



Parents Reply
  • Hi and happy New Year 2UALL

    Today I encountered the same problem.

    Add as a new translation will not work or it works erratically. In some segments this function does simply overwrite the previous translation, in some segments a new translation is added and in some rare segments simply nothing happens.

    Any updates on removing this bug?

    Kindest regards, Jerzy


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