Word Count Problem


I created a project in studio and performed a batch task sequence (Prepare without project TM) on a single file.  When I checked the Analyze Files report, I saw that there really is difference between Studio 2014 and MS-Word 2010.  Please take a look at this screenshot.

     Studio 2014:    866 characters
MS-Word 2010:    549 characters (no spaces)

What is this??

The character count obtained from Studio 2014 is totally unacceptable.  The accepted metric for counting is based on "words".

There is really not much difference between 525 words (Studio 2014) and 514 words (MS-Word2010).  Unfortunately the word count is not shown in the Analyze Files report.  Pooh.

Can anyone tell me when Studio shows a word count column in the analysis?

Thank you for your kind answer.

Best regards,

Hiroshi Kameya

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