Opening PDF documents in Trados 2014

Hi, Hope someone can help.  I cannot open PDF documents in Studio although PDF is one of the programs included in the list of possible programs.

Do I have to do something to the PDF document first?

Thanks for any help.

  • Is this a scanned copy? You can see that, when you open the PDF in Acrobat and click on the page - if you cannot select letters, it is an image.

    Such PDFs will not produce any text in Studio.

    And even though Studio can theoretically open PDF, I would advise to convert it first using a decent OCR tool,checking the page layout during the conversion process and then optimizing the format of the resulting Word document even before you start to translate. The results will be much better. Or at least I would open the PDF in Studio, then use the File - Advanced Save - Save source as command, open the resulting Word file, tidy up the and then reopen as Word in Studio. In case the conversion does not give satisfactory results (which is unfortunately more often than not, exactly as with any other automatic conversion tool) you can still use OCR.

    PS - if the PDF is protected, it must be unprotected prior to opening in Studio or OCR.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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