I have some weird problem with my termbases in Studio projects. The Term Recognition window is stuck at "Searching for terms..." (see the snapshot below).
The Termbase Viewer tab shows "No open termbase". However, "Termbase Search" is working and shows you search results properly.
This happens in any project, with both file- and server-based termbases.
Reorganizing won't help. Disabling/enabling/re-loading termbases in project properties have no effect as well.
The only thing that did help was clean re-installation of both Studio and Multiterm. But after a few days the problem occurred again. It looks like there is some setting in the software that I enable or disable which triggers this annoying bug but I have no idea how to track this.
I have the latest 2021 versions of Trados ( and Multiterm ( but I got the same problem with the earlier builds as well.
Any ideas are appreciated, thanks in advance!
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[edited by: Trados AI at 8:40 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]