Studio 2014 SP1: Importing and cleaning segments


I'm wondering if this issue is known in this community and if there is something I can do about it.

So I appreciate your help.

We have determined the following behaviour in Studio TMs:

We do have a TM which we have received from the client.

We have imported that TM (tmx format) into an SDLTrados Studio TM (sdltm).


We used that TM to translate a file.

In this translation, a few 100% matches from the TM needed to be changed.


In order to update the TM, we cleaned the sdlxliff file into the TM.

We now would expect, that those segments that have been changed are updated in the TM.

But this is not the case, the TM creates a new segment, so we now have two segments with the same source text.


When we update a segment that has been cleaned into the TM before, then this one segment is changed in the TM, no new segment is created.


So it looks like imported segments are handled differently than cleaned segments.

Why is that?

And, more important, is there somewhere a setting where I can change that?

We also want to be able to update imported segments when we clean a file.


Many thanks for your help, as we are a bit puzzled at the moment.

We were wondering why we do have inconsistencies in our TMs, but could not find the reason for it.

So we now have found the reason, but would need a solution.

Many thanks in advance,
