TM field values disappear after confirming a segment a second time


Since the last update of SDL Trados Studio 2014 (CU 9 / March 2015) I noticed following strange behaviour in the Studio Editor. After confirming a segment (the first time) the segment is saved to the TM together with the custom field values. After confirming the segment again (e.g. after reviewing or editing) the segment is saved to the TM, but the field values are deleted in the TM. Confirming the segment again restores the field values, but only for the project in process (previous field values from other projects are lost (e.g. in case of 100% matches)).

As my usual procedure is translating a text in a first run and reviewing in a second run and I always proceed from one to another segment by "Alt+Add" or "Strg+Alt+Enter" (Confirm segment and go to next segment), the field values are saved to the TM in the first run, but deleted in the second run. Is this a bug or how can I avoid this behaviour?
