Cannot save my document in Excel format


I am working on a rather large document. The source file is an Excel document. I have no problem working in Studio with the translation, but when I try to save the target in Excel, I keep getting the same message that the name is longer than the allowed 31 characters and that I need to change the name. So, I changed the name, but that did not help me. Now I started all over, renaming the source document to checklist-eng, i.e. 13 characters! I opened a new single document for translation, filled it with the text from my TM, saved it and then tried to save the target as checklist-eng-da. No luck! Same message again.  

Failed to save target content: The translated text length for the worksheet name is longer than the allowed 31 characters. Please change the text and try again. 


  • Hi Pia

    The issue is not with the name of the document - rather the name of the sheets in the Excel file.  Locate all the Sheet names in the SDLXLIFF file and make sure that they are under the 31 character limit for sheet names.  You can easily find the sheet names by clicking in the 'Worksheet' items on the browse panel:

    If you still have issues please attach the Excel file and SDLXLIFF file here so we can take a look.



    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Hi,

    Thank you for taking time to help me with my problem. When I browse like you suggest it simply looks like the image that you have inserted, except for there being about 15 such worksheets. I can't see different names when I click them. And thank you for being willing to take a look at the document, but I can't send anything from a client to a third party. I keep all my texts confidential till they have been published. I have never encountered such problems before and I have worked in Studio for about 3 years. However, I have just changed over to Studio 2014 and seem to have quite a few problems in that connection.

    When I look at the different sheets/tabs in my source document, the longest name is something like this: 11. Input-output template 2 - nowhere near 31 characters.
  • Hi,

    Thank you for taking time to help me with my problem. When I browse like you suggest it simply looks like the image that you have inserted, except for there being about 15 such worksheets. I can't see different names when I click them. And thank you for being willing to take a look at the document, but I can't send anything from a client to a third party. I keep all my texts confidential till they have been published. I have never encountered such problems before and I have worked in Studio for about 3 years. However, I have just changed over to Studio 2014 and seem to have quite a few problems in that connection.

    When I look at the different sheets/tabs in my source document, the longest name is something like this: 11. Input-output template 2 - nowhere near 31 characters.