How to convert TM from US EN-DE to UK EN-DE

I created a TM in US EN--> DE a while ago and have been adding translations to it for a while, so it is quite big now.

I have since realised that it would be better for various reasons if the source language was UK EN.

Is there a way I can convert/copy the whole existing TM to UK EN--> DE?


  • It should be the following 3 steps:
    1. Export the current TM to TMX.
    Simply open the TM in the Translation Memories view, right-click it and select export to output a TMX file.
    2. Create an empty new TM with your desired language settings.
    3. Right-click the newly created TM and select "Import". After that, select the TMX file you created in step 1.
    *Since US EN and UK EN are compatible, simply importing the data (TMX file) into your new TM is sufficient.

    Also, you might want to consider looking at AnyTM

    You can use it to translate any project regardless of language settings.
  • It should be the following 3 steps:
    1. Export the current TM to TMX.
    Simply open the TM in the Translation Memories view, right-click it and select export to output a TMX file.
    2. Create an empty new TM with your desired language settings.
    3. Right-click the newly created TM and select "Import". After that, select the TMX file you created in step 1.
    *Since US EN and UK EN are compatible, simply importing the data (TMX file) into your new TM is sufficient.

    Also, you might want to consider looking at AnyTM

    You can use it to translate any project regardless of language settings.