WinAlign Query


Greetings! Hope you are doing great!

Recently we are facing some issues in the WinAlign Project.

We are using SDL Trados Studio 2014 SP2 for WinAligning XML files. We have already applied the *.INI settings file in WinAlign.

The same settings are applied to the Project created in the Studio 2014.

We have observed few issues related to Tags while executing this Alignment.

In the WinAlignment interface the appearance of certain tags changes.

For example Tag "<Primary>XXX</Primary>" is appearing as" <3136> XXX</3136>" in WinAlign and same is added to TM created from it.(Both in source and target)

But when the same XML file is opened in the Editor, source sentence display it as "<Primary>XXX </Primary>".


Source             |                  Target
<Tag1>                             <Tag1>

Source             |                  Target
<Tag1>                             <Tag1>

But when we open the file in the same file in the editor mode the tags are:

Source             |                  Target
<Tag2>                             <Tag1>

As there is a tag difference  -1% penalty is displayed for such sentences.

Can anyone help to understand why this appearance of the Tag changes in “WinAlign” and “Editor”, even if we are using the same source file.

Parents Reply
  • ok - I think I see now. But first let's get one thing completely straight. You are not using WinAlign!! It is not going to help you when you ask questions if you continue to refer to another product altogether. You are using the Alignment program in Studio and this is not WinAlign.

    The next thing is that when you see the tags in the translation editor you get to see all the content within the tags. When they are added to the TM they become placeholders. This is to help you have improved leverage so you can get 100% matches for same text with tags, but with different types of tags. Studio will replace the placeholders with the correct tag in the Editor.

    Referring to your initial post you mentioned that you get a 1% penalty for tags being different. It would be helpful if you showed the screenshots that represent these differences. In the screenshots above you are showing completely different segments in the Alignment view to the one in the Editor view.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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