XML file to be set in SDL Studio 2014


I have a XML file in the following structure:

<GIS_HELLO_WORLD string="Hello World" maxlength="11" g="1" w="1" r="0" />
<GIS_PLEASE_WAIT string="Please wait" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
<GIS_NOTICE string="Notice" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />

We need to translate only the text after "string=".

Studio can't handle this type of file and I want to know how can I add or edit a XML file type to be able to show only the relevant text for translation.



  • Hi Fouad

    Studio has no issues dealing with this type of file - all you need to add is either a rule for the 'string' attribute in the parser rules or an XPath rule to deal with all elements containing the 'string' attribute.  Sample file and filetype attached containing an XPath rule to deal with all instances of the attribute 'string'.  I added <test> as the root element to the sample file.

    I hope this helps.




    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Something is still wrong and Studio doesn't recognize the XML type even if I import the settings you sent me to a new XML File type.
    Maybe I did something wrong? Can you please instruct me with detailed steps of how to set/import?

    Best Regards
  • Maybe you can share the file? Might be something else causing the non-recognition. Extracting the attribute for translation is simple enough.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • This filetype will only work with XML files with the root element <test> - if your root element is not <test> then this filetype will  not work for you.  Open your XML file in a text editor take note of the root element (outermost element) and then add this to the 'Detection' settings under the XML filter I sent you:

    Hope this helps.



    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <data version="1.0.1" encrypted="0" dataType="StringData">
      <dictionary language="enu">
        <GIS_HELLO_WORLD string="Hello World" maxlength="11" g="1" w="1" r="0" />
    ====== GI Android Strings ================================ -->
        <GIS_M12A_ENTERPRISE string="M12A Enterprise Holter System" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_CHOOSE_DEVICE string="Choose device" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_DONT_SHOW string="Don\'t show this hint again" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_REQUIRES string="requires at least" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_IS_REQUIRED string="is required" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_CHARACTERS string="Characters" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_ATTENTION string="Attention!" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT string="Connection timed out" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_NO_REPORTS string="There are currently no reports associated with this subject" g="0" w="0" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_REPORTS string="Reports" g="1" w="1" r="0" a="1" />
        <!-- ======================== GI New Strings ================================ -->
        <GIS_SAVING string="Saving" maxlength="10" g="1" w="1" r="0" a="1" />
        <GIS_HR_TREND string="HR Trend" maxlength="10" g="1" w="0" r="0" />
        <GIS_UPDATE_EXPORT string="Enable Update Export" maxlength="25" g="1" w="0" r="0" />
    Here is a sample of the XML file...

  • Fouad - try the attached filetype settings.




    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Might be worth you reviewing this article that may help you do this yourself in the future.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

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  • Yes, I need to investigate more time exploring and learning this :)
    I was wondering if there is any webinar that could demonstrate it LIVE.

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