object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hi all,

I hope you can help me. I keep getting this error message every time I scroll up to the first segment of a file.

Also, I get it when I try to open certain files for editing. The message appears and the file closes again, so I can't work on it.

I tried all the solutions mentioned in http://producthelp.sdl.com/kb/Articles/4984.html

I've read all or nearly all the message in this forum but they either do not apply to my situation or don't work. I'm at my wits end, I'm usually quite computer savvy, but this one breaks my back.

Parents Reply
  • I get the message in several situations, e.g. every time I hit Ctrl+Home to return to the first segment of a job. Also, with some tasks (rarely though), I get the message upon trying to open the file - the message appears and the file closes before I even get the chance to do anything. When I close Studio and restart, I get one (1) chance to open the file without the error appearing. The next time I try to open that file, I get the error again.
    I have several plugins installed: PO filter, PO Filter UI, SDL Language Cloud Plug-in, LC Studio Integration, External Review Task, Tag verification, Xbench Agent, Symbols Free, MS Word Grammar Checker, Apply Studio Project Settings, SDLX Translation Memory Plug-in, SDL Trados 2007 Translation Memory Plug-in, Trados Studio Dictionary Plugin, AnyTM, Bookmarks, MobileApp, MyMemory Plugin 2.4, Client Services.