About WIndows 11

Hi there,

Will there be any problems running Studio on Windows 11? Or, should I wait installing it until you have checked this?

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Knut,

    Still working OK, I haven't been aware of any issues. Having said that, I'm not aware of any benefits/improvements in Windows 11, apparently they are mostly "behind the scenes". To start with, the Snipping Tool had gone and the new version didn't work - that has been fixed. Another annoyance is that you can't choose the position of the Taskbar - it is fixed at the bottom, the only option being left or centre. In Windows 10 I always had it on the right-hand side, mainly to gain a little height on my landscape monitor but it was also a matter of personal preference. The new Start Menu is also a bit of a mess - looks like change for the sake of it.
