TMX compatibility issues between Studio and OmegaT


the current version of .tmx exported from Studio features "xml" as datatype, even though it was "rtf" just a few months ago. 

It seems this is causing compatibility issues with OmegaT, which cannot read the TM properly - as it uses "datatype = plain text".

Is there any way this can be edited or a plugin to properly convert the tmx as needed? 


  • Maybe use this option when you export:

    Trados Studio Export Options window with an arrow pointing to the checkbox labeled 'Export to Workbench-optimized TMX format for use in Trados 2007'.

    As far as I can see Studio always uses xml as default unless you use the old Trados 2007 option.

    Having said that I think OmegaT has a problem if it cannot read a perfectly valid TMX.  The last specification for TMX says this:

    Text. The recommended values for the datatype attribute are as follow (this list is not exhaustive):
    - "unknown" = undefined (default)
    - "alptext" = WinJoust data.
    - "cdf" = Channel Definition Format.
    - "cmx" = Corel CMX Format.
    - "cpp" = C and C++ style text.
    - "hptag" = HP-Tag.
    - "html" = HTML, DHTML, etc.
    - "interleaf" = Interleaf documents.
    - "ipf" = IPF/BookMaster.
    - "java" = Java, source and property files.
    - "javascript" = JavaScript, ECMAScript scripts.
    - "lisp" = Lisp.
    - "mif" = Framemaker MIF, MML, etc.
    - "opentag" = OpenTag data.
    - "pascal" = Pascal, Delphi style text.
    - "plaintext" = Plain text.
    - "pm" = PageMaker.
    - "rtf" = Rich Text Format.
    - "sgml" = SGML.
    - "stf-f" = S-Tagger for FrameMaker.
    - "stf-i" = S-Tagger for Interleaf.
    - "transit" = Transit data.
    - "vbscript" = Visual Basic scripts.
    - "winres" = Windows resources from RC, DLL, EXE.
    - "xml" = XML.
    - "xptag" = Quark XPressTag.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:16 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]