How can I merge multiple source xlf file for alignment with one target xlf file?


I have multiple EN xlf file and I need to align them with one ES xlf file. Is it possible to merge EN xlf file into one and the align it with the ES file?

I created a project in Studio but SDLXIFF Split/Merge tool does not give the option to merge.

Can you think of another workaround?

Thank you!

Parents Reply
  • I have only one target file.

    ok - so this is the problem.  The idea of alignment is to align file to file.  Perhaps, you could copy the target file as many times as are needed to have the same number as you do for the source files.  Then you could align them.  But I have to say I doubt this would be very productive unless you are absolutely sure the content in the target file matches all the content in the source files?

    I only really understood this just now despite you writing it in the original title... my apologies.

    Is there any way to merge the source xlf files into one? that would be a possible solution.

    This would be the best solution, although possibly still quite tricky.  Do you know which order they should be in?  Whilst you can align non-aligned segments I can imagine it being quite a messy affair!

    There are also tools like this for example which can merge XLF files if you have too many to do it manually:

    Manually is simple with a text editor, but if you have a lot it may not be practical.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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