Which file is being translated?


I often work with project files containing lots of smaller files. I usually open them all in one go to translate them in the editor view.

Unfortunately, there are files Trados cannot display a preview for. In these cases, I need to go back to the actual source file and open it to check potentially strange segments. But it's hard to tell those files appart and find the right one right away, so I generally lose quite some time opening and closing the source files to find the right one.

I'm looking for a quick and easy way to see to which file the one segment I am working on actually belongs.

Do you have a tip & trick for me?


Parents Reply
  • Hi , Developers

    Thank you for your input with regards displaying the active file in the status bar.  I will ensure your input reaches the appropriate team.  However, I'm not sure it is relevant in this case as the active file is already identified by the navigation tree… + from within the editor document.

    How to access the active file via the Integration API


    Please make reference to the Integration API Document to understand how to recover and subscribe to the ActiveFileChanged event, to identify when the active file has changed.


    Virtually Merged Files

    To identify the file within a virtually merged document it is bit more complex via code and not currently possible from the public API.  We have already logged an API Change proposal request with the Studio core development team. 

    However, the Trados AppStore Team have provided a workaround in recovering this information via reflection for now.  You can either install the nuget package that we have published or make direct reference to the extension from the open-source project on github, as follows:

    Community Toolkit -> DocumentExtensions.cs
