Merging of cells in editor view is not working

I'm desperately trying to activate the merging of cells in an idml-file... so far without any success.

I've been trying to use it with other file formats, but the outcome is just the same: Studio doesn't want me to merge cells.

The splitting works fine, though.

Anyboy encountered the same issue and found a solution??

Thanks :)

  • Hi Mélanie,

    With .idml files (from InDesign) in Studio it is rare to be able to merge segments if they are split mid-sentence. That which will have split them is the means of division that was used to achieve the layout required in InDesign. It's the same with .inx (which used to be the only format that could be translated with SDL Trados).

    Up to a point, if the InDesign file was created by someone who knows how to achieve the layout without inserting breaks or returns, which is entirely possible, this situation would not arise.

    The solution is to ask the client to remove breaks and hard returns from their sentences BEFORE conversion to .idml. They probably won't want to do it because if they don't know how to use their settings properly to achieve the layout they want, they will have to reinsert the breaks or returns that caused the problem in the first place.

    Sorry I can't be of more help but this situation is likely to be due to the limitations of InDesign and its user, rather than Studio.

    What other file formats have you had this problem with? The chances are, unless you're trying to merge paragraphs which is not possible (and IMHO that is usually a good thing), the splits will have been created one way or another by the client in the source/pre-translation file...

    All the best,
  • Thank you Alison... I was afraid that something like this would be the answer. The customer clearly won't do any editing in the original file, I might try out Jerzy's solution (for the sake of the TM).
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