I translate a lot of old legal documents that I convert to Word and format applying font Courier to emulate the original typewriter's font.
However, in Studio it displays terribly and I haven't been make Font Adapt work. Adapt Size works, but the fonts stays Courier. I would be okay with Courier if it was displayed better, but it is a pain to read as it is displayed now.
1) Is it possible to 'fix' how Courier font is displayed in Studio to make it more legible?
2) If not, is there some setting I can tweak to tell Studio to display Courier as Georgia (or other font).
3) If 2) above is not possible, how do I format all Studio text in the Editor? I have set that both Italian (my target language) and English US (my source language) should be displayed in Georgia and bigger, but it doesn't happen (the font is bigger, but still in crappy Courier). I have saved, closed, reopened the file, the Studio applications etc. but I keep seeing the odd Courier font as shown below
Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 8:12 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]