Help localizing dates

Hi all!

I'm trying to localize the formatting of dates to follow a client's preferred style. They use the UN date format (day/month/year), for example: 18 June 2015.

Using Studio 2014 SP2, the closest I can get to that is 18 June, 2015. Is there a way around that?

Also, the settings let you change formatting for a specific language pair. Is there a way to change the Dates and Times settings so that they only apply to a specific TM?



Parents Reply
  • Paul, thank you so much, I can't believe you even made a video!
    It works perfectly.
    One more thing, to learn more about regular expressions and also because it will be useful.
    What if I need to remove the leading zero from the numbers 01 to 09 when using dates, so I end up with 1 June 2015, instead of 01 June 2015?
    The original regex is (\d{1,2})\sde\s(#Spanish_Months#)\sde\s(\d{4}).
    I found that (\b0*([1-9][0-9]*|0)\b) would supposedly remove the leading zeros, but that doesn't work. I end up with 01 1 June. I guess it has to do with the replace pattern, or it's just wrong?
    thanks and best,