I'm new to SDL Trados Studio 2014, and I've had a read of some of the issues relating to the alignment tool. However, I still have a question that I couldn't find the answer to.
I have a text (originally in HTML, but I also copied to Word and Excel) which is perfectly aligned - it has 286 table cells in both the source (Arabic) and target language (English), and each one has exactly the right translation in it. Because the chunks of text are sometimes a little long in English, Studio splits them up, such that the Arabic remains at around 286 segments of text, but the English reaches 800 segments, some of which are over the limit of 3 which can be connected in the alignment tool.
I could spend a bit of time and keep working through it (realign doesn't seem to be having much effect), but I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to format the English file so that Studio will more or less recognise the segments of text for what they should be. For example, I thought that if I put the text into cells in Excel, it might recognise that each cell is a segment and limit them to 286. That didn't make any difference, and it still generated 800 or so.
Any ideas?
Best Regards,