I don't have a full translated target file despite a full translation on Trados !

I validated all my 100% segments, I registered the target file and when I open it I only have the third party of the document which is translated. Do you know what to do ?? 

  • Hi Jessica,
    You may have a symbol or tag that isn't transferring correctly to the target segment in Studio.
    Look in the target file to see exactly where it switches to your source language, then browse to that segment in the sdlxliff file in Studio. Even if you can't see a missing symbol or tag, just copy over the source segment to the target segment where the language changes in the target file. Do the same for the segment above it and below it.
    You don't even have to confirm and send those segments to your TM.
    Now save the target file again and see if it all comes out in your target language.